Patient Transport

NHS North Lincolnshire CCG has appointed Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS), to deliver its non-emergency patient transport from Saturday, 7th March 2020.

NHS-funded non-emergency patient transport is available for eligible people whose medical condition means that they are unable to attend their appointments by other means.

This also includes eligible patients who need to attend hospital outpatient clinics and community-based healthcare, are being discharged from hospital or need regular treatment such as chemotherapy or renal dialysis.

YAS already provides a patient transport service in a number of areas and has significant experience in non-emergency patient transport. YAS will be working in collaboration with neighbouring East Midlands Ambulance Service (EMAS).

Bookings can be requested between 8am and 6pm by calling YAS’s booking line direct on 0330 678 4000.

The eligibility criteria for this service is not changing.

Eligibility for NHS-funded transport is based on criteria set by the Department of Health and Social Care. Full eligibility criteria can be viewed at:

Contact details for further information

General enquires regarding the Commissioning of the new service should be directed to:

For all enquiries relating to YAS, please phone the Patient Relations Team on 0333 130 0549 or email

Click here for more information