Patient Participation Group
The Aims of the Patient Participation Group
The practice has a group of patients that contribute some of their time to the development of the practice and its health services. If you would like to get involved, forms are available from either Reception desk, or the email to submit your details to is listed at the bottom of this post.
Chairman's Note
The Patients Participation Group (PPG) was formed in February 2015 in its present state with a view to:
- Provide a link between the practice and patients
- To help the practice improve its services and development
- Meet every 3 month
Our practice has in excess of 8000 patients over the two sites. We are a relatively small group of patients who represent the practice and would certainly welcome new members. We need your ideas and enthusiasm to help improve the services so if you’d like to ‘have a say’, please complete the application form and pop it into the practice.
For those who are unable to attend the meetings but would be interested in being a PPG member we do have a virtual group.
If you have any suggestions or would like to raise something with the PPG, please email
Members of the PPG
Acting Chairman - Paul Grinell
Vice Chair - Vacancy
PPG Members - Brenda, Rita, Donna and Michelle