Over 75 Co-ordinator

Nikita is the Surgery’s Over 75’s co-ordinator. 

Signposting and socially prescribing are fast becoming essential tools to help combat the potentially devastating effects of loneliness and isolation, both of which factor heavily in the health and wellbeing of this particularly susceptible age group.

Over 75’s co-ordinator is in essence, a signposting role. Utilising a co-ordinator with the right skill set, affording the time to listen to patients, not only helps build patient/surgery trust, but allows the co-ordinator time to hear what may not be being said, which is crucial in recognising any further social and/or medical needs of those individuals where no net is in place. The individual patient can then be supported and directed where necessary. The co-ordinator liaises with hospitals, social services, pharmacies and many other external organisations to ensure the best information and support is available with the least amount of stress to the patient.